In Boreal Productora Artística (Boreal Art Producer) we approach each project in a different way, we do not believe in formulas and we look for everything that is different and special.
In more than 15 years of experience, we have managed to collaborate with artistic companies from all over the world and we have solved the financing for independent projects with support
of programs and scholarships of the Ministry of Culture from Jalisco, the BBVA Bancomer Foundation, the National Institute of Fine Arts , the City Council of Guadalajara, the Canadian Council for the Arts, the Support Fund for Culture and the Arts, the Autonomous University of Mexico, the University of Guadalajara and investments from many of the most important cultural festivals in the world.
Boreal Productora Artística (Boreal Art Producer) is in the lookout for collaborations with small and medium companies, which generate high quality products, good reviews and a formally established work, to develop those aspects that require strengthening: management, administration, fundraising, strategic planning, executive production and international positioning.
Our working model adapts to the characteristics of each project and is designed together and according to the artists needs. This way, we guarantee the accessibility to our services, the control of creative work and, by maintaining personal closeness with the artists, we have the possibility of representing them to programmers.
Our Mission
We contribute to have a better society, diverse and creative, providing the most outstanding artists of the independent scene, with the training and specialization in their field, optimal conditions to connect with their audience and collaborations with other artists and cultural agents in the world.
Our Vision
We are a leading company in the management and production of performing arts in the western part of the country. We position the work of Mexican artists internationally, and we make Guadalajara a strategic point in the agendas of international culture.